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Here you will find a selection of amazing videos showcasing some of our pedals. These clips were kindly created by some of social medias biggest gear demonstrators. I am sure you will love them, just as I do, and hope they give you a good idea of how these effect pedals really sound.
About Van Diemens & pedal demos
Pete Cornelius 0 Red Ochre with AC107 Transistor.
The Average Punter - Thylacine MK1.5 Fuzz with OC45's
Brett Kingman - Thylacine MK1.5 Fuzz with OC72Ns
The Average Punter - The DASY Fuzz with NKT 72Us
Brett Kingman Red Ochre Deluxe with AC107
Edge of Breakup - The Red Ochre Deluxe Mullard OC71
The Average Punter - The Red Ochre Deluxe Top Box with OC44
Brett Kingman Red Ochre Deluxe AXE FX v Marshall SV20H
Timmy Smalls & Rowan Freeman killing it on their Red Ochres
James Southwell - Full Uncut Tarkine Fuzz
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